Bee nutrition is fundamental to the health of the colony. Without the right quantity and quality of nutrients, the bee colony can decline to the point of starvation. But it is not always easy to identify which nutrients to give the bees and when. Do they need protein? Sugars? Do they have enough resources to get through the winter? And for that matter, is there any point in giving a sugar or protein supplement?
Nutrition is a complex subject that we have already discussed in a short video, to explain the key role of proteins in the diet of colonies:
And also through several articles on this blog:
Our team has put together nearly 20 questions and information to test your knowledge on bee nutrition. This quick quiz was created in collaboration with Antonio Pajuelo, a Spanish expert on bee nutrition.
It covers topics such as nutritional deficiency, the role of pollen and risks in case of under-availability, vitamins, carbohydrate assimilation,… Key points to better understand the crucial role of nutrition in beekeeping. This is a first introduction to the subject, which will surely make you want to learn more about it via the many resources available on our website and on the internet.
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