Quiz – Vespa velutina, the Asian hornet

In this quiz, we have put together 15 questions about the Asian hornet, from its Latin name Vespa velutina. The Asian hornet is a major predator of bees. In Europe, it is generally the second biggest predator of hives, and is causing growing concern among beekeepers. This predation has a direct impact on honey production and can also have wider ecological consequences, disrupting the natural balance of local ecosystems.

To combat the Asian hornet more effectively, it is essential to be properly informed so that you know how to recognise it, its life cycle and its predatory habits. To help you prepare, test your knowledge now with this quiz.

In this quiz, you'll find questions such as...

  • How can you recognise an Asian Hornet?
  • What are the Asian hornet’s predators?
  • What do Asian hornets eat?
  • Where can they build their nests?
  • How long does a colony last?
  • What can be used to trap Asian hornets?

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Here is the direct link: https://kahoot.it/challenge/008542255

To help you prepare for the quiz, or if you want to find out even more about the Asian Hornet, take a look at our free resources:

1. Asian hornet: how to combat this scourge?

2. French beekeepers warn their European counterparts

3. Efficacy results: Asian hornet traps

Yellow-legged hornets (Vespa velutina, also called “Asian hornets” in Europe) pose a significant threat to honeybees, feeding on them voraciously. But beekeepers, fear not!
Dive into the lively world of the Asian Hornet – America's latest winged visitor. Discover its life, habits, and its not-so-sweet impact on our bee colonies.
Presentation summarizing the key points to understand biology and cycle of the Yellow-legged hornet and how to trap it.