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Does a stronger bee colony lead to higher varroa mite infestation?

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A bee colony at its population peak demonstrates significantly enhanced productivity, improved pollination efficiency, and superior broodstock rearing capabilities [1]. Gąbka et al (2014) has established a strong positive correlation between colony strength, brood quantity, and honey production [1]. Furthermore, densely populated hives exhibit more robust defense mechanisms against predators such as hornets.


1. Strong colonies = productive colonies

Optimal colony performance is achieved through a combination of factors. Maintaining young queens aged 1-2 years, ensuring adequate nutritional status, and the absence of severe pathologies contribute to achieving a state of hive robustness within weeks of spring onset. This condition is further enhanced by the administration of appropriate food supplements, which have been shown to increase unit productivity and stimulate the production of brood, bees, and wax [2].


Beekeepers invest substantial resources and effort to attain this vigorous state early in the season, aiming to maximize the duration and efficiency of the productive period. This strategy is supported by recent modeling studies which demonstrate that colony productivity is directly linked to worker bee longevity [3]. The model suggests that increased worker bee lifespan correlates with extended foraging periods and higher honey yields.


The relationship between colony population and productivity, first proposed by Clayton L. Farrar in 1937, continues to be relevant in contemporary apiculture [4]. Farrar’s theory, which posited a gradual increase in the percentage of foragers as the total population grew, aligns with current understanding of colony dynamics. Even if the conditions for high colony growth are becoming more and more difficult to control (climate change, infestation, seasonal decalcification), the factors set out by Clayton remain essential. Modern research utilizing advanced modeling techniques, such as the BEEHAVE Systems Model of Colony Dynamics, further supports and refines this concept by demonstrating the intricate relationships between colony population, honey production, and overall colony health [5].
















Foragers %







Population weigh







Honey crop








Source: Reid 1980.

Obviously, the highest yields are achieved with populated hives. However, this increased productivity comes with a significant limitation: a greater vulnerability to Varroa destructor infestation.

2. Strong colonies = higher varroa mite loads

The reproductive cycle of Varroa destructor is intrinsically linked to honey bee brood development [6]. Consequently, the stimulation of brood production, which is essential for achieving populous colonies, inadvertently creates favorable conditions for mite proliferation. The severity of mite infestation is influenced by multiple factors, including potential interruptions in egg-laying during winter and the residual parasitization rate following treatment interventions.

The efficacy of acaricide treatments plays a crucial role in determining post-treatment mite populations. For instance, assuming a treatment efficacy of 95%, an initial infestation of 2,000 mites would result in a residual population of approximately 100 mites. In contrast, an initial infestation of 10,000 mites would leave a residual population of 500 mites under the same treatment conditions. This exponential relationship between initial and post-treatment mite populations underscores the importance of early and effective mite management strategies.

In a study dedicated to evaluating the effect of open mesh floor in bee hives, they obtained a series of interesting conclusions about this adaptation of the hives. One of the effects they observed was a greater amount of brood in these hives and, despite their greater vigor and even the effect of reducing the parasitization rate, they also observed more varroa. The reason was the large amount of brood that these hives had developed [7].

The dynamics of Varroa destructor infestation in honey bee colonies are influenced by multiple factors beyond brood production. Recent studies have highlighted the significance of drone drift and the proximity of poorly managed or untreated apiaries as contributors to mite population growth [8]. Additionally, robbing behavior among colonies can lead to reinfestation, further complicating mite control efforts [9].

3. Managing varroa mites in strong colonies

To address these challenges, beekeepers must employ a multifaceted approach to varroa management. Risk surveillance, continuous monitoring, and the implementation of biomechanical control measures are essential tools in the beekeeper’s arsenal [10]. Recent advancements in monitoring technologies, such as automated mite counting systems, offer promising avenues for more precise and timely interventions [11].

In honey production, the technique of inducing a brood break by queen caging or isolation has gained attention as a method to enhance both harvest yields and varroa control. This approach offers dual benefits: it exposes phoretic mites to acaricide treatments more effectively and redirects nurse bees to foraging activities, potentially increasing honey production [12]. However, this technique may temporarily reduce colony population, although subsequent brood production can be robust if favorable foraging conditions persist.

The timing of varroa treatments is critical for effective management. Current best practices suggest initiating treatment when mite infestation levels exceed 3% [13]. However, recent research indicates that lower thresholds may be necessary in some contexts to prevent exponential mite population growth [14].

The integration of management measures and veterinary treatments (acaricides) must be carefully orchestrated to ensure sustained colony vigor. Emerging research in precision beekeeping and predictive modeling offers new possibilities for optimizing treatment timing and efficacy [15]. These approaches, combined with traditional management techniques, provide a comprehensive framework for maintaining colony health and productivity in the face of ongoing varroa challenges.

In conclusion, effective Varroa management requires a holistic approach that considers the complex interactions between mite biology, colony dynamics, and environmental factors. By leveraging current scientific understanding and emerging technologies, beekeepers can develop more robust and sustainable strategies for mite control and colony management.


  1. Gabka J. Correlations between the strength, amount of brood, and honey production of the honey bee colony. Med Weter. 2014:70(12):754–756.
  2. Hoover SE, Ovinge LP, Kearns JD. Consumption of Supplemental Spring Protein Feeds by Western Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies: Effects on Colony Growth and Pollination Potential. J Econ Entomol. 2022 Apr 13;115(2):417-429. doi: 10.1093/jee/toac006. PMID: 35181788; PMCID: PMC9007243.
  3. Nearman A, vanEngelsdorp D. Water provisioning increases caged worker bee lifespan and caged worker bees are living half as long as observed 50 years ago. Sci. Rep. 2022;12(1):18660. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-21401-2.
  4. Clayton Leon Farrar – The Influence of Colony Populations on Honey Production 1937
  5. Becher MA, Grimm V, Thorbek P, Horn J, Kennedy PJ, Osborne JL. BEEHAVE: a systems model of honeybee colony dynamics and foraging to explore multifactorial causes of colony failure. J Appl Ecol. 2014 Apr;51(2):470-482. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12222. Epub 2014 Mar 4. PMID: 25598549; PMCID: PMC4283046.
  6. Rosenkranz P, Aumeier P, Ziegelmann B. Biology and control of Varroa destructor. J Invertebr Pathol. 2010 Jan;103 Suppl 1:S96-119. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2009.07.016. Epub 2009 Nov 11. PMID: 19909970.
  7. Gill RJ, Ramos-Rodriguez O, Raine NE. Combined pesticide exposure severely affects individual-and colony-level traits in bees. Nature. 2012;491: 105–8. 10.1038/nature11585
  8. Nolan MP, Delaplane KS.. Distance between honey bee Apis mellifera colonies regulates populations of Varroa destructor at a landscape scale. Apidologie. 2017:48(1):8–16. 10.1007/s13592-016-0443-9
  9. Jack CJ, Ellis JD. Integrated Pest Management Control of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae), the Most Damaging Pest of (Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)) Colonies. J Insect Sci. 2021 Sep 1;21(5):6. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/ieab058. PMID: 34536080; PMCID: PMC8449538.
  10. Rosenkranz P, Aumeier P, Ziegelmann B. Biology and control of Varroa destructor. J Invertebr Pathol. 2010 Jan;103 Suppl 1:S96-119. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2009.07.016. Epub 2009 Nov 11. PMID: 19909970.
  11. Divasón J, Romero A, Martinez-de-Pison FJ, Casalongue M, Silvestre MA, Santolaria P, Yániz JL. Analysis of Varroa Mite Colony Infestation Level Using New Open Software Based on Deep Learning Techniques. Sensors (Basel). 2024 Jun 13;24(12):3828. doi: 10.3390/s24123828. PMID: 38931612; PMCID: PMC11207890.
  12. Giacobino A., Pacini A., Molineri A., Cagnolo N.B., Merke J., Orellano E., Signorini M. Environment or beekeeping management: what explains better the prevalence of honey bee colonies with high levels of Varroa destructor? Res. Vet. Sci. 2017;112:1–6. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2017.01.001.
  13. Honey Bee Health Coalition. (2022). Varroa guide. Retrieved from https://honeybeehealthcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/HBHC-Guide_Varroa_Interactive_7thEdition_June2018.pdf
  14. Traynor, K. S., Mondet F., de Miranda J. R., Techer M., Kowallik V., Oddie M. A. Y., Chantawannakul P., and McAfee A.. . 2020. Varroa destructor: a complex parasite, crippling honey bees worldwide. Trends Parasitol. 36: 592–606.
  15. Zacepins A, Brusbardis V, Meitalovs J, Stalidzans E. Challenges in the development of Precision Beekeeping. Biosystems Engineering. 2015;130:60–71. doi: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2014.12.001.
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