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Author: Véto-pharma

The contents of this page are intended for the American public. The instructions for use of the miticites mentioned comply with US regulations. Table of contents Beekeeping involves carefully managing

The contents of this page are intended for the American public. The instructions for use of the miticites mentioned comply with US regulations. Table of contents In the context of

After honey harvesting, it is essential to conduct a thorough inspection of the colonies to ensure their overall health and stability. The removal of frames and supers can significantly disturb

Table of contents Today, the Véto-pharma apiary celebrates ten years of research and innovation dedicated to the health of bees, which is essential to our biodiversity. Faced with challenges posed

Table of contents In 2014, Véto-pharma launched its experimental apiary, a cornerstone of its intensive research and development efforts. This apiary, together with an ad hoc R&D laboratory set up

Table of contents Water is indeed crucial for the well-being of honey bees (Apis mellifera), especially in hot, dry climates or during droughts. Water’s importance for bees goes beyond hydration,

The R&D apiary: autonomous trials, consolidation of technical references, skills enhancement, development and monitoring of product efficacy.
Study on varroa mites reveals complex mechanisms behind amitraz resistance, questioning the role of the ORβ-2R-L gene mutation.
Beyond scientific advances and technological innovations, the history of Véto-pharma is above all made of passion and commitment.
Meet Casey Stackhouse: Sales Manager at Véto-pharma, merging pharmaceutical expertise with a newfound passion for beekeeping.